official-Beware of These Fake Accounts- 2023.07.18 official 2023.07.18

Beware of These Fake Accounts

Over the years, the number of fraudulent individuals and groups posing as representatives has grown significantly. These fake accounts often deploy a number of strategies that are usually intended to steal your money or personal data.


Unfortunately, as the individuals behind such fraud attempts usually conceal their identities and use multiple platforms to reach out to potential victims, we cannot help you if you have fallen victim to a phishing attack.




There are a few things you can do to protect yourself from impersonators.


1.Double-Check the URL or Username

The below are our only official channels. 

The only official website :

The only team information page:


2.Know That Verify the Employee Information Of hkcx-miner Staff Before Trading

If you receive a contact request , you are unsure, please ask for help on our only official website


 3. Fake Accounts That Are Currently Active

The below accounts are impersonators; do not interact with them. If you want us to add an impersonator to this list, please contact us at  to report them. 

Please beware of these scam accounts which pretends to be representative of hkcx-miner,and also the fake website below which has a highly similar layout to the official one.




Report Suspicious Activity and Fake Accounts

The best action you can take when you are contacted by or discover an impersonator is to report them using the reporting system of the respective platform they are using. This will protect both you and potential future victims. 


Therefore, we highly suggest you report these fake websites which include to google browsing and google ad.


In the following, we also link to information on the reporting systems of a number of widely used social media platforms.



Solemn Declaration20230703_2

Solemn Declaration20230703_3Solemn Declaration20230703_5From: team  



Post time: Jul-18-2023